Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Who LASIK should not have

LASIK is not an excellent procedure for many, but all people with breaking interferences. That that are not good applicants should not have the surgery. If you have any of the following conditions, you cannot be a good applicant for LASIK: Unattended or advanced glaucoma pregnant or soothing diabetes something car immune interferences (z. B. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, HIV/AIDS) use of Prednisonpillen or -dry eyes inflammation of the eyelids with itching and schuppiger skin pupil size drip over seven millimeter Warped* or thin corneas genetic or metabolic problems, which the cornea influence * if you carry contact lenses, especially review stiff lenses, before carrying out LASIK your doctor you a row mass using, over Corneas rejected become. Your eye M. D. can you in order to remove your stiff contact lenses for some weeks or months and around around soft contact lenses for some days or weeksbefore test ask in order let return your cornea to its normal form.

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