Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LASIK is better than a PRK

LASIK became and included more popularly than a PRK for a number of reasons: Improvement faster view stabilized sooner after surgery less unpleasantness after surgery in the view less Korneadunst for people, who require higher levels of the correction, is view prediction cash and steady, and the corneas procedures are more freely shorter time on Medikation after surgery improvement if it is required, is can be more simply however LASIK possiblynot the best procedure for you. Other procedures such as PRK can be corresponded for you better. Your doctor works with you in order to assess, who if any, procedure for you best is.

1 comment:

Lasik Larry said...

PRK is an older procedure that is usually the optimum choice for patients with a thinner cornea. PRK involves no incisions, and uses a laser to remove a small layer of cells on the surface off the epithelium (the outermost layer of cells of the cornea), which is then allowed to grow back naturally on it's own after surgery, which usually takes about four or five days or so.

One advantage to PRK is that, unlike most of the new procedures, no incision is made in the epithelium with either blade or laser, which, even though all laser eye surgeries are basically considered safe, is the part of laser eye surgery that is considered to carry the most risk.

However, PRK does usually involve a much longer recovery period than Lasik.