Saturday, April 26, 2008


More than fifty percent of older people of 60 years, and some younger still, suffer from cataracts. The cataracts are so common that is said that all they will suffer of them if only they come they live the sufficient thing. The people affected describe the condition as similar to the effect to to be seeing bias of a fall of water or of wax paper, with an empañamiento or gradual decrease of the vision. The reading would be able to be done more dificil, and to conduct becomes a danger. The victims can also be affected for an uncomfortable brightness, halos around the lights and even by double vision. Upon getting worse the cataracts are done necesrios frequent changes of graduation in the prescription of the lenses. At present there is not a medical processing to prevent or to do reversible the progress of the cataracts. Average time they have been formed, a way to recover exists only the clarity of vision again, and this is that of removing physically the cataract of the eye.

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