Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Laser eye surgery

Laser eye operations were carried out at the million people on the entire earth since its introduction in the last decade. The head type of the lasers eyes operations are: LASIK eye surgery: Laser is supported in-situkeratomileusis or LASIK that most Common of all procedures of the laser view-correction. An exact instrument is used in order to produce a lid of the tissue on the surface of the cornea. The laser makes the internal surface smoothly. Every laser impulse removes Korneagewebe over 1/500. the strength of the human hair. Although the procedure can take on both eyes only between 5 to 15 minutes, it lasts normally around 3 to 6 months so that the view stabilizes. Customer specific LASIK eyes surgery (Wavefront) : A technology, that of the NASA (the NASA) relatedly becomes in strong telescopes, the Wavefrontanalysator is used now for medical purposes. Otherwise the traditional LASIK surgery and the habit LASIK surgery is the same. The Wavefrontanalysator portrays your view 25mal, that are more exact than each other available instrument. This first-class procedure uses the highly most developed technology in the lasers eyes surgery. Keratectomy (PRK) breaking photo: This procedure, just like LASIK, removes Myopie, hyperopia and Astigmatismus. Because of certain concerned procedures, PRK patients require take to heal and to must more time Medikation, around which pain to avoid for some days. Laser Epithetal Keratomileusis (LASEK) : This procedure is is too thin on people resulted its cornea. The surgeon produces the lid in the extreme layer of the cornea, the Epithel. The LASEK procedure has the combined advantages of both, the LASIK and the PRK procedures. There can be view problems, that are a combination of the Myopie and the Astigmatismus, as well as a combination of Hyperopia and of Astigmatismus.

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