Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cataract surgery

The cataract is the opacification of the crystalline one, This opacification is responsible of a progressive decrease of the view, at first accompanied discomfort to the light (photophobia). This vision decrease can be quick (some hours) because of a traumatism. If the view loss is significant, the surgical operation can be justified, the loss of see can be recovered by the change of the crystalline one by a crystalline artificial one (implant intraoculaire). This operation is the one of the more towns in eye surgery. An Indian surgeon, Govindappa Venkataswamy, some even did his specialty while developing a hospital model caring for the Indian patients. While conceiving a new model of more productive interventions, without harming the operation quality, it arrives today to care for a very big numbers of patients, rich or poor. His model is exemplary by his capacity to give rise to patient solidarity the easiest ones that pay for than poorest can benefit from the operation free.

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